What countries do you ship to?

We ship to Italy, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Spain and Portugal.

When will my order be shipped and delivered?

We ship within 48 hours of order. Delivery times vary depending on the destination.

What is your shoes' fit? How do I choose the right size?

Check the size chart provided on each product page.

Can I return an order/ask for a refund?

Your satisfaction is our main priority: if you wish to return your order please let us know within 14 days of delivery date. You may decide whether to return all purchased items or only part of the same: we will refund the goods returned (shipping costs excluded) as soon as possible. and in any case within 14 calendar days of receipt of the returned goods. To exercise the right of withdrawal, please inform us of your decision by writing an email to: support@mandelsandals.com

How can I contact you?

By email support@mandelsandals.com
or via our contacts page.

What shipping costs should I consider?

Shipping and delivery costs are always included.

How can I pay for my order?

By credit card or PayPal.